was registered in 2000 by co-founder of and contemporary Belgian artist, Bert Eelen (°1972).
He has a master degree from KU Leuven in Applied Economics and Art History (cum laude). He also studied at the Fashion Academy in Antwerp for some years where he discovered his love for shoes.
He studied shoedesign in Malang Indonesia and Saint-Martins college in London and worked as a shoedesigner in Belgium for several years.
Currently he is a student at the HOGent where he studies Textile Sciences.
He offers webdesign and webdevelopment to customers in the fashion-industry.
As most artists, he started drawing at a young age and was encouraged by his family to test everything. He is currently fascinated by traditional chinese art and has developed his own interpretation of it.
His art is about speed, accuracy, the line, the human gaze, eyes, people, contact.
New ideas are tested on small size until they are ‘autographed’, meaning that they can be drawn as fast as a signature. This speed gives the line a dynamic effect.
He sells his work online via his shop here.
All works are wrapped in acid-free paper and rolled on a cardboard tube. This is than packed in a larger cardboard tube and sealed.
the Press says:
Eelen is voortdurend op zoek naar een mooie lijn met Chinese inkt: “Het is mijn kick om snel en accuraat te tekenen. Met een gesatureerd penseel wil ik met zo weinig mogelijk lijnen een figuur neerzetten die u als kijker aanstaart. Ik werk nooit naar levend model maar maak wel steeds figuratieve tekeningen.”
Omdat het voor hem zo snel moet gaan weet hij op voorhand nooit precies wat het eindresultaat zal zijn: is het een hij of een zij ? Oud, jong ? Wat vertelt de blik van de persoon, zie je boosheid, droefenis, woede, teleurstelling?
Elke tekening heeft iets magisch en die magie kan je alleen maar ter plaatse ontdekken en beleven.
translated by
Eelen is constantly looking for a beautiful line with Chinese ink: “My kick is to draw quickly and accurately. With a saturated brush I want to create a figure with as few lines as possible that stares at you as a viewer. I never work from a live model, but I always make figurative drawings.”
Because things have to happen so quickly for him, he never knows exactly in advance what the end result will be: is it a he or a she? Old, young? What does the person’s look tell you, do you see anger, sadness, anger, disappointment? Every drawing has something magical and you can only discover and experience that magic on site.
Bron:Het NieuwsbladInterview with WTA Arts
Were can I see more art by Bert Eelen ?
Saatchi Gallery in L.A.
You can also buy gadgets with his work on Cafepress
Follow his youtube-channel Youtube-channel
![Bert Eelen](/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/B_E_7.jpg)